Jaana Koverola

  • Jaana Koverola
    Jaana Koverola
    On the website www.quintile72.net/engindex.htm there are weather scores for every month since 2006. There one can find reasons for certain local (strong) weather events and so find local regularities and correspondences with the weather scores. The local qualities are permanent and thus they have quite a regular relationship with the cosmic factors. The best way to get acquainted with the weather scores is just to read the instructions and to compare the weather scores with one’s local weather.
    April 2013
  • Jaana Koverola
    Jaana Koverola
    Oh, I'm so sorry, forgot to say 'hello' to everybody! Had to think so hard about the language. I'm from Finland.
    April 2013
  • Jaana Koverola
    Jaana Koverola
    The weather scores are based on our whole solar system and the large and thorough background research for this wholeness is made by Dr. Rudolf Steiner for a hundred years ago. The local utilization of the weather scores requires preceding local work: observing and studying for some time, for learning to know how the local elements of nature correspond with the colours of the weather scores. However, this is not difficult and it can be easily made by students, for example.
    April 2013
  • Jaana Koverola
    Jaana Koverola
    A significant difficulty in DRR is often the short notice before different disasters. If a risk for certain disasters would be better in sight in advance, it could perhaps enhance collaboration between citizen groups and local governments for effective risk reduction? The Kvintiili Association of Extended Natural Science has during 16 years developed so called “weather scores”, which can show us risky periods in different areas for months or even years in advance. There one can see, where severe storms, floods, drought or frost are more liable, and we are studying also earthquakes or volcan eruptions. Please visit www.quintile72.net/engindex.htm .
    April 2013
  • Jaana Koverola
    Jaana Koverola joined.
    April 2013

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April 2013
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April 2013


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